Saturday, September 24, 2011

Abandoned Chimney of Brinchang

This abandoned incinerator chimney of about 8m height in Brinchang,
Cameron Highlands,near the entrance to the Big Red Strawberry Farm.
It must have been build by very environmentally conscious people
to get rid of their rubbish in a highland frequented by tourist.

View Abandoned Brinchang Chimney in a larger map


  1. this is classic, the vegetation up there looks cool!

  2. floyd,
    If it's well cared and tagged,
    chimneys in CH could be another tourist attraction.

  3. I think you are on your way to making these tourist attractions, for those who like the unusual!

  4. Interesting blog you have here. Didn't notice and know that they are so many beautiful chimneys in Malaysia.

  5. moved to a new place, old 1920 house. Has two disused fireplace. I should take a photo of the chimneys.

  6. this is a pretty interesting blog.never knew of blogs about chimneys, mostly lighthouses. been to Brinchang in Cameron but didnt notice there's a classic chimney there. thanks for sharing! :)
