Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chimneys of Sultan Iskandar Power Station

The tallest chimney of Sultan Iskandar Power Station
is about 120meters high is from the old thermal plant
with an installed capacity of 120mw X 2 ST,
the last surviving power plant chimney from the 70ies.
Other chimneys of about 35meters high
are from 2 x 110mw open cycle GE gas turbine( building on the right)
and a combined cycle block of Alstom ABB 13DM gas turbine
with about 275mw capacity.(beside the old thermal plant)
There's also the 404mw Siemen's CC block of YTL Pasir Gudang Power Station
belonging to YTL Power in the compound.(on the far left)


  1. Nice photos, Thomas! Want to visit Malaysia!

  2. Hi Thomas, I just stumbled across your fascinating blog.
    Wonder if you seen the lime kilns near Bercham in Perak. The chimneys are only small, but it's an interesting place


    1. Liz,
      Thank for visiting
      and i hope to visit the lime kilns soon but pls give me some clue or land mark nearby the place.

  3. NOW I see why my current post interested you. Thanks for the visit and for leading me to your blog. Didn't realize there were so many power plant chimneys in your part of the world. Fascinating.

  4. simply beautifully captured shots…lovely!
