Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mukah Chimney Revisit

It was a happy revisit to this old Sago Factory Chimney again,
happy that this 20m landmark of Mukah is still standing proudly there.
Recently i found a few other similar type of chimney in Peninsular Malaysia,
in Perak to be specific,some are abandoned
and surprisingly one factory is still in production.


  1. syabas bro! memang menarik! teruskan usaha!

  2. salam gan ...
    menghadiahkan Pujian kepada orang di sekitar adalah awal investasi Kebahagiaan Anda...
    di tunggu kunjungan balik.nya gan !

  3. Chimneys! That is an unique topic to blog about. Very beautiful pictures!

  4. postingannya very good friend yes, it's a good factory, the factory turns out there are many good friends .... yes I am very pleased with the photo of all who are here, thank you, and create a successful greeting a friend,
    Well do not forget to stop by again ...
