Friday, March 16, 2012

Chimney of Kian Leong Brickworks

The chimney of this abandoned brick making kiln
is about 45m high,the tallest brick chimney
that i ever come across so far in Malaysia.
During it's heydays it must be one of the main job provider
in the area besides agriculture.

A very healthy papaya tree.

A lomo-ish edit with Picasa 3.

One of the many opening into the kiln.

A collapsed part of the kiln.

A look inside the kiln.

Sample of some of its brick.

A few rows of 'Serai' or fragrant lemon grass.

View Chimney of Kian Leong Brickworks in a larger map


  1. can I chop SingingCoconut on the bricks? LOL

    1. Nath,
      Coconut yes but i'm not sure about the singing one,heh!heh!

  2. Saya rasa nak kumpul batu bata pula tengok blog ini, saya ada 1,2 batu special simpan kat tempat kerja, batu bata untuk chimneys nie tak sama dengan batu bata orang buat rumahkan,

    1. iaryylr,
      Batu bata utk lapisan dalam chimney kilang bata
      ini adalah dari jenis yg sama utk pembuatan rumah,
      lain pula bata utk bahagian dlm dinding boiler yg lebih lembut
      yg di panggil fire bricks

  3. Hi Thomas,

    Still looking for you, but not much help. But I came across on Facebook a group of Sarawakian interested in your Mukah sago chinmey.
    I told therm I knew someone interested in chinmeys, hen I came to the blog, it is you.

    1. Ann,
      thanks for dropping by,
      looks like i am still alone in the chimney search here,hah!hah!

  4. Those clouds are so beautiful! It is the humidity and the weather that make them billowing high up there!

    The chimney is super tall!

  5. boleh sy dpat kan no awk... sy ade jumpa chimney di kota tinggi johor
